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Digital Economy 2.0: Silicon Valley Executive Brainstorm 2012, Day One (Tuesday 27 March)

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Shifting Profit Pools and Strategic Opportunities . Presentations, votes, output and analysis from the Digital Economy 2.0 stream of the New Digital Economics Brainstorm, 27th March 2012, in San Francisco. (March 2012)

Digital Economy 2.0 Silicon Valley March 2012

0830 Welcome, Introductions & Warm Up

Host: Simon Torrance, CEO, STL Partners (download here)

Facilitator: Matt Stephens, Associate, STL Partners (download here)


0900 The Market 2.0

Jennifer Binder Le Pape, Senior Director, Bain (download here)

Philip Laidler, Consulting Director, STL Partners (download here)


1100 Digital Consumer 2.0

Hans Fredericks, VP Mobile, comScore (download here)

Phil Bienert, SVP Consumer Digital Experience, AT&T (download here)

Doc Searls, Fellow, Harvard University (download here)


1400 Connected Devices 2.0: Beyond The Phone

Richard Schwartz, CEO, Macheen (download here)


1445 Innovation Showcases

Chris Couch, COO, Transverse (download here)

Jordan Socran, VP Radialpoint (download here)


Two Parallel Sessions:

1630 Digital Infrastructure 2.0: Connectivity & The Cloud

Chris Brahm, Partner, Bain (download here)

Pat Adamiak, Senior Director Cloud Solutions, Cisco (download here)

Arun Bhikshesvaran, CMO, Ericsson (download here)

Mohan Sadashiva, VP & GM Cloud Services, Aepona (download here)


1630 Big Data meets Personal Data

Peter Vander Auwera, Innovation Leader, Swift (download here)

Phil Windley, Founder & CTO, Kynetx (download here)

Shane Green, Co-founder, President  & CEO, Personal (download here)

Andy Land, VP Marketing, UnboundID (download here)