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This site contains content on new digital business models and business model innovation in Telecoms, Media and Technology from the Telco 2.0™ Initiative and analyst firm STL Partners. It is for strategists and decision makers leading strategy, innovation, disruption, and business model transformation. Our most recent content is listed below, and our research services are explained here.

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Repremiumization: The dangerous self-deception at work in European Telcos

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

How 5G is Disrupting Cloud and Network Strategy Today

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

Gigabit Cable Attacks This Year

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

Key Questions for The Future of the Network, Part 2: Forthcoming Disruptions

(in: Future of the Network)

Authentication Mechanisms: The Digital Arms Race

(in: Dealing with Disruption)

How AT&T overtook Verizon in strategic business services

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

Amazon Web Services: Colossal, but Invincible?

(in: Dealing with Disruption)

The ‘Agile Operator’: 5 Key Ways to Meet the Agility Challenge

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

Google's MVNO: What's Behind it and What are the Implications?

(in: Dealing with Disruption)

Digital Services: What is Your Digital Business Worth?

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

Facebook: Telcos' New Best Friend?

(in: Dealing with Disruption)

The Internet of Things: Impact on M2M, where it’s going, and what to do about it?

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

NFV: Great Promises, but How to Deliver?

(in: Cloud & Enterprise ICT)

The Digital Dashboard: How new metrics drive success in telco digital initiatives

(in: Telco 2.0 Transformation)

Valuing Digital: A Contentious Yet Vital Business

(in: Telco 2.0 Transformation)

Key Questions for NextGen Broadband Part 1: The Business Case

(in: Future of the Network)

Future of the Network: Agenda 2015

(in: Future of the Network)

Netflix: Threat or Opportunity?

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

Reality Check: Are operators' lofty digital ambitions unrealistic given slow progress to date?

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

Telco-Driven Disruption: Hits & Misses (Part 1)

(in: Dealing with Disruption)

BT/EE: Huge Regulatory Headache and Trigger for European Transformation

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

Will AT&T shed copper, fibre-up, or buy more content - and what are the lessons?

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

Samsung and Google versus Apple?

(in: Dealing with Disruption)

Digital Asia Executive Brainstorm 2014, Day One, Tuesday 2nd December

(in: Digital Asia 2014 Executive Brainstorm & Innovation Forum, December 2014)

Digital Asia Executive Brainstorm 2014, Day Two, Wednesday 3rd December

(in: Digital Asia 2014 Executive Brainstorm & Innovation Forum, December 2014)

Digital Asia 2014 Voting Slides

(in: Digital Asia 2014 Executive Brainstorm & Innovation Forum, December 2014)

Five Principles for Disruptive Strategy

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

Cloud: What is the role of telcos in cloud services in 2015?

(in: Cloud & Enterprise ICT)

Dealing With Disruption: Agenda 2015

(in: Dealing with Disruption)

$350Bn Telco 2.0 Transformation: 2015 Agenda

(in: Telco 2.0 Transformation)

Cloud & Enterprise ICT: Cloud, Mobility, eHealth - Agenda 2015

(in: Cloud & Enterprise ICT)

Winning Strategies: Differentiated Mobile Data Services

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

Apple Pay & Weve Fail: A Wake Up Call

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

Connected Car: Key Trends, Players and Battlegrounds

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

Free-T-Mobile: Disruptive Revolution or a Bridge Too Far?

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

Connected Home: Telcos vs Google (Nest, Apple, Samsung, +…)

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

Google’s Big, Big Data Battle

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

Launchers: a new relevance point for telcos?

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

The Telco 2.0 Transformation Index Benchmarking Report

(in: Telco 2.0 Transformation Index)

Disruptive Strategy: 'Uncarrier' T-Mobile vs. AT&T, VZW, and

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

Faster than Facebook: how to speed up digital transformation and disruptive innovation

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

New Mobile & Digital Transformation Strategies: OnFuture EMEA Executive Brainstorm 2014, Day One (Wednesday 11 June)

(in: OnFuture EMEA, Executive Brainstorm & Innovation Forum, June 2014)

Next Generation Mobile Marketing & Commerce: OnFuture EMEA Executive Brainstorm 2014, Day Two (Thursday 12 June)

(in: OnFuture EMEA, Executive Brainstorm & Innovation Forum, June 2014)

Telco 2.0: The $50bn Enterprise Mobility Opportunity: What's stopping telcos winning 500% more business?

(in: Free Reports & Whitepapers)

Triple-Play in the USA: Infrastructure Pays Off

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

Telco 1.0: Death Slide Starts in Europe

(in: Free Reports & Whitepapers)

CSP Analysis Report: Vodafone

(in: Telco 2.0 Transformation Index)

Telefonica leads Vodafone in more attractive markets

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

Facing Up to the Software-Defined Operator

(in: Strategy & Finance)

Software Defined People: How it Shapes Strategy (and us)

(in: Strategy & Finance)

Why closing Telefonica Digital should make Telefonica more digital (and innovative)

(in: Executive Briefing Service)

Are Telefonica, AT&T, Ooredoo, SingTel, and Verizon aiming for the right goals?

(in: Strategy & Finance)

Facebook + WhatsApp + Voice: So What?

(in: Dealing with Disruption)

Growing the Digital Economy: Lessons from Brazil, Mexico, and Iran

(in: Strategy & Finance)

Cisco, Microsoft, Google, AT&T, Telefonica, et al: the disruptive battle for value in communications

(in: Voice & Messaging)

Self-Disruption: How Sprint Blew It

(in: Strategy & Finance)

Mobile Marketing and Commerce: the technology battle between NFC, BLE, SIM, & Cloud

(in: Digital & Mobile Commerce)

CSP Analysis Report: Telefonica

(in: Telco 2.0 Transformation Index)

CSP Analysis Report: AT&T

(in: Telco 2.0 Transformation Index)

CSP Analysis Report: Verizon

(in: Telco 2.0 Transformation Index)