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Recent Articles in Strategy & Finance

Public Content RIM: how does the BlackBerry fit with Telco 2.0 strategies?
Public Content New Strategy Report: Mobile, Fixed and Wholesale Broadband Business Models
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Public Content Apple vs. Nokia: strategic lessons from the Smartphone / Appstore Wars
Public Content Telecoms 2015: New Game, New Players, but Who Wins?
Public Content Fixing Wireless Data Network Economics
Public Content Defining the Telco 2.0 Ecosystems
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Public Content Mobile Advertising and Marketing: Text-based Local Search Use Case
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Public Content New Opportunities in Online Content Distribution
Public Content Telenor’s Voice 2.0 Strategy: ‘Mobilt Bedriftsnett’ Case Study
Public Content 'Demolition Derby' for Smartphones in 2010
Public Content Shareholder Value 2.0: Investors now rating telcos as ‘utilities’. How to respond?
Public Content ITU World 2009: Telecoms too important to leave to Telcos?
Public Content Amazon 2.0: Four Levels of Strategic Business Model Transformation
Public Content Mobile Software Platforms: Rapid Consolidation Forecast
Public Content Strategy 2.0: $375 Bn ‘two-sided’ market opportunity update (Part 2)
Public Content Google: Where to cooperate? Where to compete?
Public Content Strategy 2.0: The $375 billion opportunity - update (Part 1)
Public Content Use Cases 2.0: Five new business models in action
Public Content Case Study: how to grow when your core market shrinks
Public Content ESPN: Making ‘pay-for-content’ work – a telco opportunity
Public Content Vodafone business model: Increasingly ‘two-sided’
Public Content Orange / T-Mobile UK Merger: An Investor's View
Public Content The Business Case for 'Two-Sided' Telecoms Business Models
Public Content Dealing with the Wireless Data Explosion
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Public Content The 'Two-Sided' Business Model Use Case Project
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Public Content Mobile Payments: Lessons from the world's leading exponents
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Public Content 7 Strategic Priority Areas for new Telecoms Business Models
Public Content Google - How (precisely) it profits from YouTube
Public Content Digital Britain - a grand vision but an impractical plan
Public Content Video Distribution 2.0 - Time to fix the fundamentals
Public Content Subscriber Data: The smarter way to use it