Recent Articles in Strategy & Finance
RIM: how does the BlackBerry fit with Telco 2.0 strategies?
Mar 30, 2010
- Our analysis of how RIM’s BlackBerry business model may offer operators interesting near term opportunities to manage smartphone data traffic costs, and partner with to exploit future ‘Telco 2.0’ opportunities. (March 2010)
New Strategy Report: Mobile, Fixed and Wholesale Broadband Business Models
Mar 24, 2010
- A new 249 page Telco 2.0 Strategy Report on the future of broadband, including analysis of the latest new ideas in broadband business model innovation, new 'Telco 2.0' Opportunities, global forecasts, four future strategic scenarios, and a detailed 'Use Case' describing a new Managed Offload 'Use Case'. The report covers Mobile Broadband, Advanced New Wholesale, and Fixed Retail Broadband Business Models. (March 2010)
Digital Hollywood: How to 'Out-Apple' Apple?
Mar 24, 2010
- Apple is becoming an increasingly important distributor of Film and TV content online. But plans to sell films at $0.99 could cause massive disruption to the business models of the major studios. Telcos could offer a powerful alternative, not just as a retail channel but as an enabler of richer, more profitable interactions with consumers. (March 2010)
Mobile & Fixed Broadband Business Models: Four Strategy Scenarios
Mar 24, 2010
- An introduction to the four strategy scenarios we see playing out in the market - 'Telco 2.0 Player', 'Happy Piper', 'Device Specialist', and 'Government Department' – part of a major new report looking at innovation in mobile and fixed broadband business models. (March 2010)
Apple vs. Nokia: strategic lessons from the Smartphone / Appstore Wars
Mar 17, 2010
- In the last quarter of 2009, Apple made more money from smartphones and applications than the formerly dominant Nokia. The contrast between their approaches to developer communities reveals important lessons in the design and management of ‘two-sided’ business model ecosystems. (March 2010)
Telecoms 2015: New Game, New Players, but Who Wins?
Mar 8, 2010
- The connected ‘digital economy’, underpinned by telecoms, is evolving fast. How will it play out in the next 5 years, what are the rules, and who will win? Telco 2.0 analyses some new scenario thinking by IBM and clarifies the key issues that need to be addressed.(March 2010)
Fixing Wireless Data Network Economics
Mar 4, 2010
- The growth in mobile data, and in particular mobile video, is placing increasing strains on the cost structure of some mobile networks. Telco 2.0 is undertaking a syndicated study to define the economic choke points, and propose alternate business model solutions. (March 2010)
Defining the Telco 2.0 Ecosystems
Mar 3, 2010
- An overview of our forthcoming syndicated research project to define the vocabulary, describe the ecosystems, identify the key roles and size key Telco 2.0 applications identified in the 'Two-Sided' Telecoms Market Opportunity. (March 2010)
How Google's Chief Magician Stole the Show
Feb 19, 2010
- In his keynote address at Mobile World Congress, Dr. Eric Schmidt, Google's CEO, told the telecoms industry exactly which parts of their lunch Google will eat, while simultaneously appeared to offer peace. Our analysis of what he said and didn't say. (Feb 2010)
Mobile Advertising and Marketing: Text-based Local Search Use Case
Jan 1, 2010
- This new "Use Case" shows a practical and detailed new application of Telco 2.0 ideas to Digital Marketing, including the customer experience and outline business case. (Executive Briefing, January 2010)
2009 Review: Telco 2.0 Readers' Top 10 Articles
Dec 18, 2009
- Accelerating development in 'two-sided' business telecoms models, all things Google, and the growing challenges for Mobile Broadband were the big themes in 2009 among our readers. (December 2009)
New Opportunities in Online Content Distribution
Dec 1, 2009
- As part of our new 'Broadband End-Games' report, we’ve been defining in detail the opportunities for telcos to distribute 3rd party content and digital goods in new ways. (December 2009)
Telenor’s Voice 2.0 Strategy: ‘Mobilt Bedriftsnett’ Case Study
Dec 1, 2009
- Telenor’s new ‘Mobile Business Network’ integrates SME’s mobile and fixed phone systems via managed APIs, providing added functionality and delivering greater business efficiency. It uses a ‘two-sided’ business model strategy and targets the market via developers. (December 2009)
'Demolition Derby' for Smartphones in 2010
Dec 1, 2009
- 'Hyper-competition' in the mobile handset market, particularly in 'smartphones', will drive growth in 2010, but also emaciate profits for the majority of manufacturers. Predicted winners, losers and other consequences from Telco 2.0 partners Arete Research. (December 2009)
Shareholder Value 2.0: Investors now rating telcos as ‘utilities’. How to respond?
Nov 23, 2009
- Financial markets now value Telco stocks for stability and Techs for growth. Telcos must deliver on efficiency promises to earn support for growth. Technology companies must prove staying power. How can business model innovation help all parties? (November 2009)
ITU World 2009: Telecoms too important to leave to Telcos?
Nov 10, 2009
- Government imperatives around economic growth, climate change, healthcare and education may be superseding concerns about "the market". Telcos may face a future in which they are smaller fish in a larger ‘ICT' sea. (November 2009)
Amazon 2.0: Four Levels of Strategic Business Model Transformation
Nov 10, 2009
- Amazon's stock continues to beat the bull market. Its success is based on a four level transformation to a ‘two-sided' strategy. What are the lessons for would-be platform players, including fledgling ‘Telco2.0s' and software platform owners? (November 2009)
Mobile Software Platforms: Rapid Consolidation Forecast
Nov 10, 2009
- New analysis by Telco 2.0 partners, Arete Research, suggests that only only three or four mobile handset software platforms will remain by 2012. (November 2009)
Strategy 2.0: $375 Bn ‘two-sided’ market opportunity update (Part 2)
Oct 21, 2009
- An update on the potential of new ‘two-sided' business models to increase shareholder value, leverage customer data assets, and create a valuable position in delivering consumer services. (October 2009)
Google: Where to cooperate? Where to compete?
Oct 20, 2009
- Our new Executive Briefing report analysing Google's strategy includes recommendations of how service providers can plan ‘coopetition’ with this very important player. (November 2009)
Strategy 2.0: The $375 billion opportunity - update (Part 1)
Oct 8, 2009
- In 2008 we identified a $375 billion opportunity for telecoms to help make media and other industries more efficient. We review the impact of broadband developments here. (October 2009)
Use Cases 2.0: Five new business models in action
Oct 7, 2009
- Detailed explorations of new concepts for: mobile marketing, mobile money, smart grids, mobile broadband, and SME services. (October 2009)
Case Study: how to grow when your core market shrinks
Sep 30, 2009
- Only the fit survive market changes, and evolving the business model to adapt is key. Strategy lessons for telcos and vendors alike from Boungiorno, a content aggregator that evolved to beat the shrinking portal services market. (October 2009)
ESPN: Making ‘pay-for-content’ work – a telco opportunity
Sep 24, 2009
- The sports network ESPN is a master of the paid content business model, building platform scale and success using premium content. What are the lessons from ESPN’s US and UK strategies for other service providers and content distributors? (September 2009)
Vodafone business model: Increasingly ‘two-sided’
Sep 23, 2009
Vittorio Colao, CEO, presented his strategy last week at a Goldman Sachs investors conference. It appears highly aligned with Telco 2.0 principles, embracing new enablers for upstream customers, openness, and social networks. (September 2009)
Orange / T-Mobile UK Merger: An Investor's View
Sep 17, 2009
Orange and T-Mobile UK are merging, thereby consolidating two of the UK's five mobile operators. What are the likely benefits and consequences, and the implications from an investor's viewpoint? A guest article from Telco 2.0 partners Arete Research. (September 2009)
The Business Case for 'Two-Sided' Telecoms Business Models
Sep 17, 2009
Many industry corporate strategists buy into the two-sided telecoms business model and now want to prove the quantifiable benefits to drive action. Here's an update on Telco 2.0's current data and plans. (September 2009)
Dealing with the Wireless Data Explosion
Sep 9, 2009
- As business models evolve to cope with demands on bandwidth, it may be in everyone's interest to allow customers to access, ad hoc, certain resources across any available wireless network. (Guest Article, September 2009).
Apps & AppStores: Litmus vs Apple AppStore
Sep 4, 2009
- As O2 UK's Litmus developer proramme matures into a global corporate project for Telefonica, we analyse the business model challenges it faces in becoming a vibrant community for developers and a value driver for the company. (Sept 2009)
The 'Two-Sided' Business Model Use Case Project
Aug 26, 2009
- The theory of 'Two-Sided' Telecoms Business Models is becoming increasingly well known. The Telco 2.0 "Use Case" research project is analysing both actual and potential practical examples in greater detail. (August 2009)
LTE: Late, Tempting, and Elusive
Jul 30, 2009
- To some, LTE is the latest mobile wonder technology – bigger, faster, better. But how do institutional investors see it? An in-depth perspective from new Telco 2.0 partners, Arete Research. (Guest Executive Briefing, Aug 2009)
African Communications - a brewing storm
Jul 23, 2009
- A second wave of investment is pouring into African telecomms, always a hive of innovation. Can it make a return amidst the turbulent market environment? An analysis of some of the major players, projects, and lessons therein. (July 2009)
Twitt-o-nomics: How will Twitter make money?
Jul 23, 2009
Twitter's business model seems to be the familiar - "Web 2.0 Flip" - build an audience and sell to someone who thinks they can monetize it. There are key lessons to be learnt from Twitter for Telcos and other service providers. (July 2009)
Mobile Payments: Lessons from the world's leading exponents
Jul 9, 2009
An analysis of M-Pesa and Wizzit - one a classic ‘Telco 2.0’ platform, the other an extension to traditional banking services – and lessons for telcos worldwide. (July 2009)
Online Video vs Broadband: a symbiotic relationship?
Jul 9, 2009
Initially, broadband enabled online video. Now online video is growing to become the volume driver of broadband traffic. Analysis of these interrelated markets at different stages of evolution worldwide provides insight to future strategy in both. (July 2009)
7 Strategic Priority Areas for new Telecoms Business Models
Jun 25, 2009
- In the last 12 months the fundamental question related to the '2-sided' telecoms market opportunity has changed from 'what is it' to 'how do we do it?' This Briefing report describes the key priority areas. (Executive Briefing, June 2009)
Google - How (precisely) it profits from YouTube
Jun 25, 2009
New analysis demonstrates how YouTube contributes to Google's position and power in the 'Digital Economy' and what this means for telcos' online video strategies. (June 2009)
Digital Britain - a grand vision but an impractical plan
Jun 23, 2009
- The UK Government's recent Digital Britain report has kicked off much debate. We are doubtful that its conclusions can be implemented, for reasons that carry a lesson for all would-be agents of change. (June 2009)
Video Distribution 2.0 - Time to fix the fundamentals
Jun 5, 2009
- Telco 2.0 Executive Brainstormers agree that there are problems in the value chain, but there is less agreement on the priorities. Competing strategies to monetise online video effectively are assessed. (Special Event Briefing, May 2009)
Subscriber Data: The smarter way to use it
Jun 3, 2009
- Guest article: Paul Magelli of Nokia Siemens Networks, on how to do much better with subscriber data - with added podcast. (May 2009)