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Welcome to the Telco 2.0 Research Portal

This site contains four types of content on new digital business models and business model innovation in Telecoms, Media and Technology from the Telco 2.0™ Initiative and analyst firm STL Partners:

Report focus: accelerating telco business model innovation

Cover Image of the Free Report on Accelerating Business Model Innovation

Source: 'Telco 2.0: how to accelerate the implementation of new business models'
(Free Report)

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Recently Published Content (Use "Search" or "more articles" to find more)

  European Mobile: The Future's not Bright, it's Brutal (in: Voice & Messaging)
  Digital platform strategy: how Google, Apple and Amazon keep winning (in: Strategy & Finance)
  Cloud 2.0: the fight for the next wave of customers (in: Cloud Services)
  Innovation Strategies: Telefonica 2.0 Vs. Vodafone 2.0 (in: Strategy & Finance)
  Telco 2.0: Killing Ten Misleading Myths (in: Executive Briefing Service)
  Cloud 2.0: Telco Strategies in the Cloud (in: Cloud Services)
  A Practical Guide to Implementing Telco 2.0 (in: Strategy Reports)
  LTE: APAC and US ‘Leading The Experience’ (in: Future Broadband)
  Digital Things 2.0: Report and Analysis of the EMEA 2012 Event (in: New Digital Economics EMEA, Executive Brainstorm & Innovation Forum, June 2012)
  Cloud 2.0: Report and Analysis of the EMEA 2012 Event (in: New Digital Economics EMEA, Executive Brainstorm & Innovation Forum, June 2012)
  Digital Commerce 2.0: Report and Analysis of the EMEA 2012 Event (in: New Digital Economics EMEA, Executive Brainstorm & Innovation Forum, June 2012)
  Telco 2.0: Report and Analysis of the EMEA 2012 Event (in: New Digital Economics EMEA, Executive Brainstorm & Innovation Forum, June 2012)
  Euro telcos: fiddling while the platform burns? (in: Executive Briefing Service)
  Personal Data: how to make it a viable, customer-centred industry (in: User Data & Privacy)
  Strategy 2.0: Lessons from Vodafone’s success in European SMB Communications (in: Enterprise & CEBP)
  HTML5: market impact and telco strategies (in: Technology and Devices)
  Digital Entertainment 2.0: Report and analysis of the Silicon Valley Event 2012 (in: New Digital Economics Silicon Valley, Executive Brainstorm & Innovation Forum, March 2012)
  Digital Economy 2.0: Report and analysis of the Silicon Valley Event 2012 (in: New Digital Economics Silicon Valley, Executive Brainstorm & Innovation Forum, March 2012)
  Digital Commerce 2.0: Report and analysis of the Silicon Valley Event 2012 (in: New Digital Economics Silicon Valley, Executive Brainstorm & Innovation Forum, March 2012)
  Digital Things 2.0: Report and analysis of the Silicon Valley Event 2012 (in: New Digital Economics Silicon Valley, Executive Brainstorm & Innovation Forum, March 2012)
  Mobile TV: going 'Round The Side' of telco networks? (in: Entertainment & Content)
  Big Data: How Personal Clouds and ‘VRM’ will revolutionise Customer Relationships (in: User Data & Privacy)
  Telco 2.0: how to accelerate the implementation of new business models (in: Free Reports & Whitepapers)
  Silicon Valley 2012 Overview Report: the money's moving, but are telcos? (in: New Digital Economics Silicon Valley, Executive Brainstorm & Innovation Forum, March 2012)
  Strategy 2.0: Google's Strategic Identity Crisis (in: Adjacent & Disruptors)
  Mobile Broadband 2.0: The Top Disruptive Innovations (in: Future Broadband)
  SAP Strategy Profile: Enabling Telcos to Operate at ‘Internet Speed’ (in: Free Reports & Whitepapers)
  How to Spot a "Business Model Problem" (in: Free Reports & Whitepapers)
  The value of "Smart Pipes" to mobile network operators (in: Free Reports & Whitepapers)
  Facebook: what the pre-IPO S-1 filing revealed (in: Adjacent & Disruptors)
  Dealing with the 'Disruptors': Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft/Skype and Amazon (Updated Extract) (in: Adjacent & Disruptors)
  Vodafone CIO: 2012 a big year for customer data, analytics, and M-Commerce (in: Strategy & Finance)
  'Under-The-Floor' (UTF) Players: threat or opportunity? (in: Strategy & Finance)
  Asia & Middle East: 'can do' Telco 2.0 Strategies (in: Strategy & Finance)
  Personal Data 2.0: Industry fails Carrier IQ test (in: User Data & Privacy)
  LTE: Less Transforming than Expected (in: Technology and Devices)
  Telecoms and the Eurozone Economic Crisis: a perfect storm? (in: Strategy & Finance)
  Your Text is on Fire: OTT's to burn 40% SMS revenue by 2015 (in: Voice & Messaging)
  CDNs 2.0: should telcos compete with Akamai? (in: Future Broadband)
  Handset IPR - a new cold war begins (in: Technology and Devices)
  Cloud 2.0: don't blow it, telcos (in: Cloud Services)
  Apps & Telco APIs 2.0: their role vs Facebook, Skype, and iMessage (in: Apps & Appstores)
  Connected TV: Forecasts and Winners/Losers (UK Case Study) (in: Entertainment & Content)
  Broadband 2.0: Mobile CDNs and video distribution (in: Future Broadband)
  Facebook: really 'worth' $30 billion max - $100 billion is hype (in: Adjacent & Disruptors)
  Strategy 2.0: The Six Key Telco 2.0 Opportunities (in: Strategy & Finance)
  M2M 2.0: Market, Business Models, and Telcos' Role(s) (in: M2M & Embedded)
  RIM: R.I.P. or ‘Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated’? (in: Adjacent & Disruptors)
  Apple iCloud/iOS: Killing SMS Softly? (in: Adjacent & Disruptors)
  Strategy 2.0: What Skype + Microsoft means for telcos (in: Voice & Messaging)
  Cloud 2.0: Telcos to grow Revenues 900% by 2014 (in: Cloud Services)
  Mobile Broadband Economics: LTE 'Not Enough' (in: Future Broadband)
  Telco 2.0 Strategy: New Growth needs New Metrics (in: Strategy & Finance)
  LTE & Wholesale: Time to Get Aggressive? (in: Future Broadband)
  New Business Models: Half Future Telco Growth (in: Strategy & Finance)
  The Roadmap to New Telco 2.0 Business Models (in: Strategy Reports)
  Public Wifi: Destroying LTE/Mobile Value? (in: Future Broadband)
  Appstore 2.0: Amazon Vs Apple & Google (in: Entertainment & Content)
  Tablet Frenzy: Network Poison or Economic Palliative? (in: Technology and Devices)
  Arete Research: Getting to a Billion Smartphones in 2013 (in: Technology and Devices)